Tuesday, January 4, 2011
tattooed lesbians
a little Mario Party with some lesbians and the knowledge that if Mario
A calendar favourite for many is the annual DOB Bike and Tattoo show.
When I was younger tattoos scared me because they were permanent.
Increasingly, tattoos, piercings, and other forms of body adornment have
be a “heavily tattooed lesbian”. Here's hoping she also has fangs,
in which she had the first names of 438 lesbian, gay, bisexual,
Here she's showing off one of her tattoos:
sorry for bum link, but it was funny old fool with tattooed hussy
I love tattoos
A woman gets a tattoo of a masturbating woman on her back. That woman
(oh, and also, in case anyone's getting excited about my tattoo
Lesbians Rocking Out Loud! Listed in: Lesbians, Gays, and Bisexuals >
Isobel Varley: Showing off her tattoos at