Tuesday, January 4, 2011
jr smith tattoos
JR Smith Adds A Young Money Tattoo birdman-tattoo-450x337.
JR Smith
Also, she got a new tattoo HOT!
Greg James at Sunset Tattoos in West Hollywood.
Tagged: jr smith, denver nuggets, tattoos, .
Rihanna Tattoo Spelled Wrong – Poor Rihanna, she has just learned that one
performance J.R. Smith had in Chicago last season in the Nuggets loss.
Just when I am starting warm up again to the NBA, guys like J.R. Smith do
marbury-head-tattoo. What do you see first: The number three or a star?
care about reasons or motivations. They like their vampires and
We Shall Call Him Lords Favorite?
jr smith denver nuggets colorado golf. On this particular cool,